Welcome to Julia Green!
Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer-based group committed to enriching our children’s educational experiences at Julia Green and building a vibrant community at our school. The PTO meets a critical need in our school by providing funding for programs, initiatives, and supplies that are not available through MNPS.
Julia Green PTO Mission Statement
The mission of the Julia Green PTO is to be an inclusive community of parents and teachers supporting the school's mission to create a foundation that encourages compassion, tolerance, integrity, and commitment to learning for all students.
How is the JG PTO set up?
The PTO is guided by an Executive Board that meets approximately once a month. Board meetings are close, but we invite all PTO members to raise any concerns or questions they may have to any of our Board members to bring to Board meetings for discussion.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee reviews financial issues such as budgeting, distributions, fundraising, etc. The committee is chaired by the PTO Treasurer. The committee meets twice a year in the fall and spring to set the budget for the upcoming year. The finance Committee is made up of the PTO Executive Board, Principal, Assistant Principal, a faculty representative from each grade level, including specials, and the chairs of each of our fundraising events and programs. Every parent is welcome to attend these meetings. All recommendations for the budget made by the Finance Committee are presented to and voted on by the entire PTO at the May PTO meeting.
Fall Finance Committee Dates: TBD
Spring Finance Committee Dates: TBD
When Does the PTO Meet?
Meetings to be announced upon commencement of 2022-2023 school year