Carline Procedures
Due to a Metro bus driver shortage, we are down 2 buses from previous years. Because of this, the carline is longer than usual. Please help us to move things along more efficiently by following these guidelines.
If you don't drop off or pick your child up personally, please share our procedures with whoever is in the carline for your family.
Arrival Reminders
Adults should NOT get out of the car in the carline. If your child is not ready, has not finished breakfast, or needs an extra hug that is ok! We just ask that you pull into a parking spot on the right-hand side to keep the line moving as quickly as possible to get everyone into their classrooms on time.
Children may exit the car when ALL cars are stopped in front of you. There is one long whistle blast indicating that it is safe to exit. If you do not hear it, but children in front of you are exiting their cars and ALL cars are stopped around you, your child may exit. Use good judgment and be safe, but also efficient to keep the line moving. Never allow your child to exit the car when other cars are in motion.
If you are near the gymnasium door/past the playground, your child should exit your car and walk along the sidewalk once the whistle is heard/cars are all stopped. Please do not wait until you are in front of the school to have your child exit the car. We have a long sidewalk for them to use to safely walk to the doors. If they need extra help, that is totally fine! Please feel free to park on the right-hand side and walk with them along the sidewalk up to the door.
Three short whistle blasts indicate that cars will begin moving. Do not allow your child to exit the car after hearing 3 short whistle blasts.
Line up on Vailwood rather than Hobbs. Do not block driveways of our neighbors, please!
Dismissal Reminders
The outer lane (left side) CANNOT be blocked at ALL until 2:45pm. This is for emergencies/fire codes. If you need to be in the left-hand lane and arrive before 2:45, you can line up to the left of the lane where empty parking spots are - you may NOT block the entrance to the school however - again this is for emergency vehicles and needs to remain open. If the parking spot area is full, you will have to get in the right-hand/inner lane and wait until 2:45pm to move into the left/outer lane.
Once in the line please pull all the way up to the car in front of you so that we can maximize the number of cars we can load in our driveway.
Never leave your car unattended in the carline.
The PTO is requesting help from the city with drivers who become frustrated with our carline and speed around on the wrong side of the road on Hobbs. We are very aware of the issue. Please be careful and pay attention to these cars.
Line up on Vailwood rather than Hobbs. Do not block driveways of our neighbors, please!